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Traditional Thai
30 mins $40 | 60 mins $60 | 90 mins $85
This massage originated in India over 2500 years ago.
The theoretical basic of style of bodywork is the existence of the energy body which includes "Zens" or energy lines through which life force flows. Through compressions, pressure on specific points and stretches to release blockages, a free flow of energy is restored. No oil or lotion is used. This is one of the world's oldest healing modalities. It is a blend of massage, acupressure, energy work, and gentle yoga stretches. Our client wears comfortable clothing provided and lies on the bed.
Benefits from a session may include: releasing tight joints, stretching muscles, increasing range of motion, and reducing stress. Thai massage is know in Thailand as Nuat phaen boran, correctly translates only as ancient massage or traditional massage, and also known as Thai ancient massage, traditional Thai massage.

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